Figuring Shit Out
Love, Laughter, Suicide, and Survival
By Amy Biancolli

Trade paperback
5 ½ x 8 ½
245 Pages
Non-fiction – Memoir/Biography
Release Date: September 2014
ISBN: 9781933016528
“Your life isn’t over.” My dad says this. “I mean, YOUR life isn’t over. Beyond the kids. You’ll go on living, doing things. This isn’t it.”
I know, I assure him. I have the kids. They need me. They’re my life now.
“OK,” he replies, then grunts — more of a brief hum. He only hums when he thinks I’m full of shit.
Shockingly single. Amy Biancolli’s life went off script more dramatically than most after her husband of 20 years jumped off the roof of a parking garage. Left with three children, a three-story house, and a pile of knotty psychological complications, Amy realizes the dead car battery, rapidly growing lawn, basement sump pump, and broken doorknob aren’t going to fix themselves.
Amy learns that “Figuring Shit Out” means accepting the horrors that came her way, rolling with them, slogging through them, helping others through theirs, and working her way through life with love and laughter.
Amy speaks frankly about suicide and its aftermath. Her humor links the sacred and profane — the spiritual and the down-and-dirty — in a way that’s honest and reflects how real people grieve and, more than that, live.
About the Author

Amy Biancolli
Amy Biancolli, an author and journalist, is currently an arts writer and columnist for the Albany Times Union. Previously, Amy served as film critic for the Houston Chronicle, where her reviews, published around the country, won her the 2007 Comment and Criticism Award from the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors Association.
She is the author of Fritz Kreisler: Love’s Sorrow, Love’s Joy, House of Holy Fools: A Family Portrait in Six Cracked Parts, which earned her Albany Author of the Year, and the play Kreisler’s Long Sleep, which had a staged reading at the Capital Repertory Theatre. Amy lives in Albany with her three children.