The Writer’s Essential Tackle Box
Getting a hook on the publishing industry
By Lynn Price

Trade paperback
6 x 9
365 Pages
Non-fiction/publishing/Writing reference
Release Date: November 2009
ISBN: 9781933016344
POD? Vanity? Orphaned? Sell-through?
Promotion? Editing? HELP!
The Writer’s Essential Tackle Box is a unique parting of the clouds for the confusing and often contradictory information currently circulating in writers’ boards, conferences, blogs, and how-to books. Our distinctive point of view from behind the publisher’s desk helps authors better understand our frustrations and our Halleluiah, I think we’ve got us a winner! moments, as well as educating writers as to what we’re looking for in a query, why we reject manuscripts, and the pitfalls to avoid. The book includes:
- Comprehensive interviews from industry professionals such as Wilda Williams from Library Journal, agents Rita Rosenkranz, Andrea Brown, Laurie McLean, and Peter Cox, Absolute Write/Writer Bewares Victoria Strauss, ABA President and Changing Hands bookstore owner Gayle Shanks, Book Shepherd Sharon Goldinger, retired V.P. of Marketing for Time Warner Jerry Simmons.
- The submission process – how we see things from our side of the desk, the elements that go into a snooze-free cover letter, breaking down a synopsis to its basic elements (the Oh God! Moment), how to write an effective bio (Making Something From Nothing). This distinctive point of view helps authors better understand our frustrations and our, “Halleluiah, I think we got us a winner!” moments.
- Print On Demand? Vanity? Commercial Publishers? We break down the many types of publishers currently populating the industry and discuss each type of publisher, what they can and can’t do for you, and why.
- The Writer’s Emergency Style Guide – a collection of the most common mistakes we see in manuscripts that result in rejection. Problems like POV switches, dialog tags, paragraph transitions, adverbs, comma usage, and much more.
The Writer’s Essential Tackle Box is a parting of the clouds for the confusing and often contradictory information currently flooding every writer’s board, blog, and writers’ conferences.
About the Author

Lynn Price
Lynn Price is editorial director of Behler Publications with the help of her secretary, an unreliable beagle with a penchant for margaritas. Along with their Get It Write series, Behler Publications has produced poignant, award-winning personal journeys in both fiction and nonfiction – books that tackle medicine, aging, family issues, death, abandonment, love and prejudice.
Reviews and Accolades
The Writer’s Essential Tackle Box is very strongly recommended reading for anyone seeking to become a published and professional author in today’s highly competitive, complex, and evolving publishing industry.
~ Midwest Book Review