The Writer’s Guide to the Courtroom
Let’s Quill All the Lawyers
By Donna Ballman

Trade paperback
288 Pages
Writing Reference
Release Date: November 2009
ISBN: 9781933016535
You’ve been served,” is one of the single-most frightening sentences. It opens a can of worms to a legal nightmare that few understand. When your fiction calls for a character to sue someone or be sued and survive the ordeal, The Writer’s Guide to the Courtroom should be number one on your docket
Donna Ballman, voted one of the top 500 Plaintiff lawyers in America, will take you and your fictional character through the grinding wheels of justice so that you will be able to use these facts to bring new realism to your stories.
Author/lawyer Donna Ballman takes you through the chambers of justice to reveal:
- Types of lawyers
- Law practice structure and billing
- Pre-suit
- The complaint
- Responses to the complaint
- The authorities
- Cases about employment
- Professional malpractice
- Business to business
- Person to business
- Person to person
- Person to government
- Post-trial proceedings
- Discovery
- Alternate dispute resolution
- Trial preparation
- The trial
- Post-judgment
You will be able to sue, litigate and process your characters—believably—to within an inch of their fictional lives.
Read Donna’s guest blog posts on Educated Quest, Working Writers, Moniqueblog, and Aspiring Mangaka & Writers Club,
About the Author

Donna Ballman
DONNA BALLMAN is an attorney/author whose practice focuses on labor and employment law. She has been named one of The Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiffs’ Lawyers in America, 2007; a Leading American Attorney by American Research Corp., and a Top South Florida Lawyer by “South Florida Legal Guide.” Her husband and she were named one of “Fort Lauderdale’s Finest Couples” by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for their work in the community. Ms. Ballman has been featured on Sky Radio Network on the Forbes “America’s Most Influential Women” program, Lifetime Television Network’s 1996 special, “Full Disclosure: Sexual Harassment,” and Bulgarian TV Co-Op’s program: “Women in America: Atlanta/Miami.”
Ms. Ballman has taught numerous CLEs and other seminars for organizations such as the Daily Business Review, National Employment Lawyers Association, Sterling Education Services, Lorman Education Services, Alison Seminars, Florida Association for Women Lawyers, and community organizations. Ms. Ballman has published numerous articles on employment law topics such as severance, non-compete agreements, discrimination, sexual harassment, and avoiding litigation. She also serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for James Publishing, a legal publishing company.
You may visit Ms. Ballman’s website here.